StartSSL migration required

  • 13 mars 2017
612 210 freddy

Since major Internet Browsers as Chrome, Firefox and Safari don’t trust the CA infrastructure of StartSSL and distrust free SSL certificates delivered after 21.10.2016 by StartSSL,  an alternative solution had to be found in order SSL services to go back to production. For people interested in understanding the origin of the issue, you may found information on the Mozilla Security Blog.

After quick lookup to alternatives, I’ve been interested to try the Let’s Encrypt platform promoted by the Linux Foundation. The Let’s Encrypt project offer a lot of API to manage certificates delivery. As I was a web user of StartSSL services, I’ve been using this web service to manage my requests through the Let’s Encrypt CA platform : It delivered to me multi domain SSL certificates valid for 90 days according to the following policy. I’ll have then to work on SSL renewal automations.